*Watching network tv (Will Trent, which I want to like but is sometimes a bit sad or violent for my tastes) so I can hopefully see if my university closes for tomorrow. It is VERY cold for here (it will be down below 15 F tomorrow morning) and every other institution of higher learning has cancelled. We have a lot of commuter students, and I suspect that when I drag myself over there tomorrow and pick my way through icy parking lots, I won't have many students.
Hopefully they cancel. They did send everyone home at 1 pm today, which meant that my 11 to 1 lab cancelled, because this is a class with several sections and two others were after the "everyone go home" time, and my TA and I decided that rather than get everyone off schedule (especially bad given how challenging lab set up is - having to set up two different labs in a single week), we'd cancel. Then the lab coordinator contacted us and told us to cancel
* This was actually good because I had another challenge today - when I went to drive over to school my car would not start. It groaned and clicked and all the dashboard warnings lit up and the headlights flashed. And yes, I had the battery replaced less than a month ago. It was one from the "store room" and the guy said at the time "well, it looks like something spilled on it and damaged the sticker but I'm sure it's fine" and DANGER WILL ROBINSON. It was the only one they had in stock (or so they said) so I accepted it, but I admit I briefly thought "I might regret this"
Anyway, cascade of issues. Called the shop, just to see if they would say "oh man, we'll send someone out to drive you" but literally they told me "Can you take the battery out and bring it in so we can check it?"
OH YES, let me get my second car, which I don't have, and then drag my nearly fifty-six year old self into the tight part of my garage on my bad knee and try to remove a car battery, which I have never done, by myself.
So I rang off and tried calling a colleague who is writing a book - I always see his car in early. Didn't get him, so texted someone from church, got no reply. Called the shop again, and as I was trying to talk to them my colleague called back to verify my address and say he was on his way.
I think he was the one who said, when I explained "Oooooh, that sounds like a bad alternator" which made me anxious because (a) expensive and (b) slightly older car so it might be a few days before it's fixed, and that's just....I can't do that right now.
Got over to school, taught (not well because I was Anxious).
At least the shop had told me this time to call them later and they might send a guy out to look at it, since I couldn't start it.
Called the church secretary - she and I were to meet as, in the absence of a permanent minister at the moment, it's on us to plan the Ash Wednesday service. I asked for a ride and explained. So at least my ride to church (and then back to my house, which is only a few blocks from church) were sorted.
Then I found out about the cancellation, called her back and asked if an earlier meeting was better. It was. So we got the meeting done and I got home and I called the mechanic again: "Yeah when a guy has a minute he'll call you and then come out"
okay, fine. the check is in the mail. It was about noon then, so I decided to think about fixing lunch (I had carried home my packed lunch and just stuck it in the fridge in case I need it tomorrow). I was just going out to the kitchen when I saw a minivan pull up
Yeah, it was him. One of the younger guys out there, maybe the newbies get sent out for this kind of thing. I told him I was afraid it was the alternator and he said "Well, let's check." He had one of those charger boxes, so I opened the garage and he crawled back there and got the hood open and hooked it up. "Now, you get in," he said "and turn everything you can off first - the automatic headlights, the heating, the radio - and try starting it"
So I did. It started up fine. "Oh, that's what I thought, your alternator is fine" (The battery box had a sensor that told how many amps). So he had me follow him out to the shop, and I waited a bit (there were people waiting before me, and understandably, they needed to be helped first) but eventually they got to me.
The guy who had helped me - there was even a younger tech doing the replacement - came in, kind of laughing "Yeah," he said "that was a bad battery. Normally when we test them it can take a couple hours to drain them but this one was dead in ten minutes"
So my car was fine again (or so I hope) and all I paid was the $3 disposal fee (he said that was the one thing he couldn't waive).
So I got back home and mostly faffed around, waiting to see if campus closed for tomorrow. When I got the mail, the mailbox was already icy, and the metal porch railing was icy.
*and they JUST called it, campus closed tomorrow. So I need not set an alarm and I guess my bringing home some stuff I can read on was wise. They're not suggesting "virtual" learning so I'm not gonna set up a Zoom meeting for the class but will check my e-mail. I already told my ecology class that if we were closed we'd do today's lab next week, and that the lab due tomorrow would be do Monday (I have a meeting Friday and can't hold class).
So that's a relief.
* I've been working away on the ombre/gradient yarn socks (The Gusto socks) but they're not at a very photogenic point right now. Maybe I can get some done on it tomorrow, or figure out a way to set up to read and knit on the huge garter stitch blanket I've been working on since 2022.